For those of you who have read
my blog before, you know that there's not exactly a theme for what I blog
about. It's pretty much just whatever's on my mind or some random current event
I stumble upon. Well, I'm just posting to tell you all that things are about to
My American Studies class just started a paper called junior theme
(basically just a big research paper with a fancy name at New Trier). Our
assignment was to ask a why question about a current issue in the world and
then write an inquiry about it. So, with that being said, my why question is
why is there a decline in the practice of religion among the millennial
In my next several blog posts I will be exploring possible answers to
this question. These topics include the increase in support for the gay
community, scientific advancements, being scared off by religious extreme
groups, and for varying opinions on social issues such as abortion. This is not
every answer to this question that I will be looking in to, just a few I've
stumbled upon thus far. So if any of you have any possible answers you would
like me to explore, leave me a comment!
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