Monday, April 14, 2014

Rise in Suppport, Decline in Practice

            For my Junior Theme, I am exploring the decline in religion among the millennial generation. One answer to this question I have learned about is that the millennial generation supports gay and lesbian rights more than any other generation that has come before it. According to a study from the Public Religion Research Institute, thanks to the millennials, 2011 is the first time in history that supporting gay marriage was not a minority position. This group is also the most unaffiliated group religiously for their age, at 25 percent unaffiliated (Pew Research Center).
            This connection between religion and gay rights is a pressing one in today’s news. Mississippi just passed a “religious freedom” law, which allows business owners to use their religion as a legal defense in a court of law if sued by a costumer. This means that if a customer was refused service or harshly treated for their sexual orientation, that said business owner could defend himself in saying it was because their religion doesn’t support gay rights.
            I believe that this type of disdain towards gay rights that is often connected to religion has caused there to be a decline in practice of religion with this younger generation. This is because if people now accept those around them the way they are, they don’t want their religious institutions to say that it’s not okay to be the that way. Obviously this is not a direct connection because not all religious institutions are against gay rights, but the fact that the support for gay rights rises as the practice in religion declines, I think it’s safe to say that there is a correlation.

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